Tuesday, August 23, 2011

USA/BOSNIA: Extradition hearing of Azra Basic has been set for November

USA: Extradition hearing of Azra Basic has been set for November
Basic is accused of murder and torture of Serbs in Derventa (B&H), from April to June of 1992.

Bašić (52) has been living in Kentucky (USA) for a long time, and was arrested there last year in March based on an warrant issued by B&H.

The extradition hearing will focus on whether Bosnian officials provided enough evidence in the documents requesting extradition to show the likelihood of a crime.

B&H has issued a extradition request because the crimes were committed in B&H.

Azra Bašić was born in Rijeka (Croatia) in 1959 as Alešević, she is a Croatian citizen.

Bašic has been an employee of “Nestle” in Kentucky, and her coworkers knew her as Isabel Bašić.


  1. nije mi jasno zbog cega joj sude .gdje su oni koji su pobili pola bosne i rastjerali prezivjele po bijelom svijetu.ona nije nista uradila to je sve velika srbska propaganda

  2. Sudi se Srbima, nemoj da brines, sve stize svakoga sto ga sleduje. Zato je sad i na nju red. Ako ti nije jasno zasto joj sude - procitaj na raznim izvorima. U mendjuveremnu evo ti iz prve ruke informacija - moji baba i deda su ubijeni u Sarjevu i do danas dedu nismo sahranili. Ne zna se u kom je sakrivenoom grobu.
