Basketball Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina once again the focus of the public over personal conflicts of interest and personal vanity, and arrogant behavior of the officials of this institution.
Naime, izvlačenje parova Lige 13 nije moglo početi dok se ne razrješi lični sukob Generalnog sekretara KSBiH Haruna Mahmutovića i sekretara KK Bosna Stjepana Grubnića - Boška. Specifically, drawing 13 pairs of the League could not start until you resolve personal conflicts of the Secretary General Haruna KSBiH Mahmutović and Secretary KK Bosna Stephen Grubnic - Bosko. Razmirice dva sekretara traju još od jula kada je Grubnić privatno, a slobodno možemo reći i opravdano, kritizirao organizaciju Evropskog prvenstva za mlade košarkaše u Sarajevu. Disputes two secretaries since last July when Grubnic privately, and we can safely say, and justifiably, criticized the organization of the European Championships for young basketball players in Sarajevo. Grubniću, kao posjetiocu prvenstva je naime smetalo što ne može pronaći informacije lokacijama odigravanja utakmica, a usudio se o tome progovoriti i pred Mahmutovićem, nakon čega mu je zabranjen ulaz u prostorije saveza. Grubnic, as visitors of the championship is in fact mind you can not find the information locations match, and he dared to speak out about it and before Mahmutović, after which he was denied entrance to the alliance.
"Rekao mi je da ako mi se ne sviđa kako se radi, mogu da iselim iz BiH.", govori Grubnić. "He told me that if I do not like how it works, I can move out of BiH." Talking Grubnic. "Ne mogu da vjerujem da mi se na taj način obraća predstavnik krovne institucije bh. košarke u kojoj sam aktivan još od 1969. godine. Ovo je moja zemlja i moj grad i nisam ga napuštao ni '92. kada smo se borili protiv mnogo gorih divljaka, pa neću ni sada. Uz to, zaprijetio mi je fizičkim obračunom ukoliko se pojavim u prostorijama Saveza." "I can not believe that we are thus speaking representative umbrella organizations BH basketball in which I was active since the 1969th year. This is my country and my city and I have not abandoned or '92. When we fought a lot worse savage, so I will not now. In addition, he threatened me with a physical fight if it appears in the premises of the Alliance. "
Svoje prijetnje Mahmutović je i ostvario kada fizički napao Grubnića koji je u prostorije saveza stigao kao zvanični predstavnik KK Bosna i pokušao ga silom izbaciti iz sale za sastanke. His threats Mahmutović is achieved when physically attacked Grubnic who arrived in the offices of the official representative of KK Bosna i tried to force him out of meeting rooms.
Da ne trpi bilo kakvu kritiku, te da je ozbiljan u namjeri da spriječi neistomišljenike da učestvuju u radu KSBiH, pa makar i kao ovlašteni predstavnici klubova, Mahmutović je pokazao i na narednom sastanku klubova u KSBiH. Do not tolerate any criticism, and that is serious in order to prevent the opponents to participate in the KSBiH, even as the authorized representatives of the clubs, Mahmutović demonstrated at the forthcoming meeting of the clubs in KSBiH.
Ni tada, prema ubjeđenju generalnog sekretara KSBiH predstavnik KK Bosna nije mogao prisustvovati sastanku klubova na kojem su se izvukli parovi Lige 13. Even then, the conviction of the Secretary General Representative KSBiH KK Bosna could not attend the meeting of the clubs where they get the couples League 13
"Kada neko na silu pokušava biti u mom društvu, mora mu biti jasno da ću i ja odgovoriti silom, rekao mi je Mahmutović", za tvrdi Grubnić. "When a force is trying to be in my company, it must be clear that I will respond with force, he told me Mahmutović," says the Grubnic. "Ipak, zahvaljujući predstavniku kluba iz Mrkonjić Grada, te drugih klubova, izbjegao sam fizički napad i ostao sam na sastanku na kojem sam ispred svog kluba morao obaviti posao. Smiješno je da Mahmutović misli da sam u Savez stigao da bih uživao u njegovom društvu. To je posao koji radim još od vremena prije nego što se on i rodio.", dodaje legenda sarajevske košarke. "However, thanks to the representative team from Mrkonjic City and other clubs, to avoid the physical attack and I was in a meeting where I was ahead of his team had to do the job. Mahmutović funny to think that I came to the League that I enjoyed his company. This is a job that I do from the time before he was born. "adds Sarajevo basketball legend.
"Istina je da sam kritikovao organizaciju EP, rad saveza i sekretara, ali mislim da imam pravo da iznesem svoje privatno mišljenje. KSBiH nije privatna institucija iz koje će se izbacivati svako ko se ne oduševljava stanjem u bh. košarci, a ima nas koji pamtimo daleko bolja vremena.", zaključio je Grubnić koji je sa ekspedicijom KK Bosna učestvovao u osvanjanju titule prvaka Evrope u Grenoblu. "The truth is that I have criticized the organization of the EP, labor union and the Secretary, but I think I have the right to express their private opinions. KSBiH not private institutions out there that will throw anyone who does not delight in the BiH state basketball, and there are those of us who remember far better times. "Grubnic concluded that the expedition took part in KK Bosna osvanjanju champions of Europe in Grenoble.
Vrijedi spomenuti i to da je Grubnić već poslije prvog fizičkog napada uputio zvanični dopis prema KSBiH, ali da povodom njega nije bilo rekacije. Worth noting also that the Grubnić already after the first physical attack has sent an official letter to KSBiH, but that occasion it was no reaction.
"Kada se nasilničko i huligansko ponašanje toleriše unutar organa sportskih saveza, šta da očekujemo od navijača na ulicama. Ja i dalje očekujem neko očitovanje saveza po ovom pitanju.", dodaje Grubnić za kraj. "When you are violent and hooligan behavior tolerated in the body of the sports federations, what to expect from the fans on the streets. I continue to expect an alliance statement on this issue." Grubnic added to the end.
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