An invitation to meet Zeljko Komsic (pictured) and to celebrate Bosnian Independence in Chicago!
Here is a chance to meet the great Bosnian hero Zeljko Komsic and meet and great Bosnians and their supporters and celebrate Bosnian independence day!
Saturday, March 9, 2013. 6:00 pm until 1:00 pm.
BH club Chicago celebrates the day of independence of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the International Women Day Celebration
Guests of the evening:
Zeljko Komsic - member of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Master Haris Alibasic - President KBSA
Prof Ibrahim Vajzovic - St Louis
Chris Mathieu - A journalist and member of the expert team for the Research of Genocide - Milwaukee
Guests of the evening entertainment program
Ferid Avdic
Edis Mujčinović
Samir Melkić
Information and sales:
Nusret 773-338-8524
Darko 773-699-8173
Safet 773-841-9494
Bosnia video 773-275-8281
Admission $ 60 includes dinner and soft drinks
All visitors are kindly requested to come half an hour early because the academy starts exactly at 6:00 pm
6:00pm until 1:00am
![]() | BH cub Chicago obiljezava proslavu dana nezavisnosti Bosne i Hercegovine i proslavu dana zena Gosti veceri: Zeljko Komsic - clan Predsjednistva Bosne i Hercegovine Magistar Haris Alibasic - predsjednik KBSA Prof.Dr. Ibrahim Vajzovic - St Louis Chris Mathieu - Novinar i clan medjunarodnog ekspertnog tima za istrazivanje genocida - Milwaukee Gosti veceri u zabavnom dijelu programa Ferid Avdic Edis MUjcinovic Samir Melkic Informacije i prodaja: Nusreta 773-338-8524 Darko 773-699-8173 Safet 773-841-9494 Bosna video 773-275-8281 Ulaz $60 ukljucena vecera i bezalkoholna pica Mole se svi posjetioci da dodju pola sata ranije jer akademija pocinje tacno u 6:00pm |
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