Sunday, August 28, 2011

Boat Magazine first issue covers my favorite city: SARAJEVO

A very avant garde idea for a magazine, Boat has started off with covering the city of Sarajevo. A UK based magazine, Boat moved to Sarajevo to explore life in this culturally interesting, alive city that often only gets coverage from the war in the 90's and it's aftermath.
Boat Magazine covered some of the more interesting stories and it's people. From the guy that gives free tours of the city, to the balloon seller downtown and famous and familiar faces and some not so much well known personalities.
Two of my favorite people in Sarajevo are covered, the balloon seller who my wife engaged in a compelling conversation last time we were there on the subject of life in pre-war Bosnia and post-war Bosnia.
Another interesting personality is the seller near the central Sebeji fountain who gave my young son a free flute last time we were there. He is also featured in an article and pictured in the magazine.
Sarajevo has a rich texture of civilizations represented in it's history with a collection of over 40 different nationalities living in Sarajevo.
Boat Magazine did a a great job covering the story of life in postwar Sarajevo.

Here is a link to purchase your copy of Boat Magazine Sarajevo issue...

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